

Quick digital Post-it note everyone need

There is always a need and usefulness for Post-it notes. However, you cannot always carry a post-it note with you, and we cannot always remember to do so. when you're working on your computer or viewing anything and you need to quickly write down some information. You must immediately make a sticky note. It is excellent for you if the sticky note is on your computer. Where you can quickly write your brief information

So what can you use for that? 

There is, however, an extension that is excellent for this purpose. A mini post-it note is what this extension is known as. This is an extension of chrome. If you don't know what a Chrome extension is, let me explain that it's a type of software module that lets you modify your browser in a variety of ways. You can speed up your browser, block intrusive adverts, safeguard your online privacy, and more with the help of these plugins.

Why this extension is good from other extensions ?

The incident you select it the extension opens up instantly with no loading time of even a second or millisecond when you click on it. This is exactly what everyone desired in a digital task tracker. The con of this one is that it isn't particularly pretty or aesthetically pleasant.

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