

pov: You have become that girl

You now dress to impress yourself instead of other people. Others will forget what you have to wear on which day, so you don't care what they think of you anymore. You buy new clothes for yourself and donate old ones to a thrift store. The dressing makes you feel good.

You don't make many friends anymore because you know that making more isn't important; what matters is having good friends who will be there for you in any situation. You don't like going to parties where there are a lot of people. You just want to live alone, watch movies, anime, or series, or do something with a close friend. What you want now is to watch late-night movies with them, go shopping with them, and study together.

 You now prefer to wear natural makeup. You want to have that clean look that every girl desires.

You enjoy preparing meals for yourself. You no longer buy food or order it from a restaurant. You cook for yourself. You're learning to cook in order to feed yourself or make whatever you want. Make one of your favourite dishes or recipes. There are numerous tutorials available on the internet that you should follow.
Bring your lunch and some sliced fruits and vegetables to round out your meal!

You now have a better understanding of your skin than ever before. You are well aware of what suits your skin. You've perfected your skincare routine. You've been paying more attention to your skin lately. You prefer to buy skincare products over makeup.
As you all know, makeup gives you a great look, but it changes the texture of your skin, and your natural skin disappears. So concentrating on your skin products is beneficial to concentrating on your makeup products. I'm not saying that wearing makeup is bad, but you should always remove it properly and apply night creams or lotion to your body before going to bed.

You prefer to spend time with your family. You all eat together now. Prepare dinner. You enjoy having breakfast together and going on picnics with your family.

You are now purchasing items for yourself. Purchasing these small gifts makes you happy. You can get yourself a big present, but having these cute little things in your life is so much cuter. And now, if you're wondering what to buy after reading this article, I recommend that you buy earrings, rings, and a necklace. Because these items also aid in changing your appearance. The next blog I'm considering writing is about what you can use to change your appearance. So keep an eye out.

You now understand how to stay organised. Your bedroom is always nice and clean. You always wash your dishes and laundry on time. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is make your bed, followed by cleaning your house. After exercising or stretching, you should always wash your hands or take a bath. When you come in from the outside, you always take a bath because germs or dirt can be harmful to your skin or health.

Treat yourself with these panckaes.

You now look after your body. You are always clean. You change your clothes on a regular basis. You can just wear one dress for two days. You are always clean. You already know that applying moisture after a shower makes your skin feel good. You always smell nice. You always wear lip gloss or lip balm.

You understand that you cannot rely on others and that you must become self-sufficient. You were no longer reliant on others. You do your own work or job. You don't wait for the answer. You try to solve the problem on your own. Never rely on others; it is better to be self-sufficient.

You now go to bed at 8 p.m. and get up at 6 a.m. You like to read books or do anything productive before going to bed. You now get the proper amount of sleep, 7+ hours. That is neither more nor less than that.

You now understand how to love yourself. It doesn't matter if everyone thinks you're attractive or likes you. You did not enter this world to impress everyone. If all you want is to be a nice person, that's fine.
You've been concentrating on your diet lately. You no longer skip meals. You prefer vegetables or fruits to junk food. Now you want to be healthy, not skinny.

You now make the journey alone. Treat yourself to a variety of foods. Try out new things. Travel to various locations. You are now that person who enjoys trying new things.

You no longer enjoy wasting time on the phone. You have now limited your screen time. Instead of talking on the phone, you prefer to study or do something productive. You are always active and trying to do something. For example, studying/walking/dancing/swimming/streching


You now understand how essential it is to maintain your mental health. You are now more concerned with your mental health. You enjoy doing 5 minutes of meditation every now and then. Everything appears to be based on this. It always determines your mood and health. You cannot be productive if your metal health is poor. You are tired or sick. You are unwilling to do anything. You simply want to lie down on your bed and do nothing.
You now avoid drama at all costs. You dislike being in an argument. You don't want to be one of those people who enjoys drama and fighting.

You've developed a passion for books. You enjoy reading. You enjoy learning new things and expanding your knowledge. You're aware of how books can help you change your mental state. Every new book provided you with a fresh perspective on life. Reading books can be a good mental workout.

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